Every year in July thousands of giant jaffas used to race down Baldwin Street in Dunedin as part of the Cadbury Chocolate Carnival, however Cadbury World has now closed. The jaffas raced down New Zealand’s steepest street to raise money for charity, each race had around 25,000 numbered jaffas! We decided to hold a race on a more modest scale – one packet of jaffas.

The jaffas numbered and ready to roll

The supa jafas I should have used
Media turned out in unprecedented numbers 😉 to record the event. I can imagine the comments from the couch when watching the home video – weird woman, and losing marbles may be mentioned. Although as we discovered, footage of the jaffas was hard to capture, so it’s more likely I ended up in the trash box.
Trashed was pretty much what happened to the jaffas. If I had thought about surface area and friction I might have realised that not many jaffas would survive the roll down Baldwin Street, let alone with their numbers intact. Supa jafas would have been a better choice.

The Baldwin Street jafa roll
Four jaffas finished the race, only two of them made it down with their numbers still readable. With the help of some amused tourists we found four more jaffas with numbers, we had to walk back up Baldwin Street looking in the gutter and gardens along the way (there is a much needed seat and water fountain at the top). I use the six numbers on a Big Wednesday ticket I buy every now and then. I’m yet to win a prize, but if I start blogging about luxury lodges then our jaffa race paid off.

Looking down Baldwin Street in Dunedin – NZ’s steepest street