If you’re keen to see some homes on wheels up close check the dates for the travelling Original Gypsy Fair and The Extravaganza Fair.

Seen at The Extravaganza Fair in Rotorua 2018
Home and business on wheels, so cool, travelling with The Extravaganza Fair – Porch Precision – Precision Barbercraft & Body Piercing Studio ….

Precision Barbercraft & Body Piercing Studio – The Extravaganza Fair Rotorua 2018

Housebus seen in Taranaki

House truck with a sweet pony on the door

House truck parked up in Taranaki

Bedford with a caravan on the back

Sweet wagon on wheels

Spending the night in Wanganui

Home sweet wagon

Portable wheels on the back

Seize the day

Touring the South Island
I cant believe.the original gypsy horse truck is being sold 🙁
Im going to miss it. Ive seen it every year since i was a little girl.21+ long years ive been seeing it and its always been my favorit.
It’s a sweet little truck and you never know, maybe someone will buy it and continue travelling with the fairs.
Trying to get hold of Carlos in Wellington from the Original Gypsy Fair who was selling his house truck after May. Vicky in Napier
Hi Vicky
I’m guessing you’ve tried finding him via the contacts on the Original Gypsy Fair website? I took your phone number off as I’m not sure it’s best to post phone numbers here but I can pass it on if Carlos gets in contact.
I am looking for a j2bedford the small school bus must be in good order and road worthy cash sale I love your photos of you vehicles
If anyone can help these two house bus hunters you can comment here (I can edit comments, so if you don’t want your contact details to show for everyone to see just let me know in the comment and I will edit them out, and then email Alice and Barry your details).
Looking for house busses out there 30k max